The Lions Clubs of South East Essex are holding the 2022 Event on Saturday 30th July 2022. The event follows a very similar lines to the report you see below for 2018.
The event caters for those whatever the type of impairment but it BY INVITATION ONLY.
For more details please complete our enquiry form and we will keep you informed.
2018 Report
The Lions Clubs of South East Essex, for the eighth year, organised this exciting event for disabled people at The King John School, Benfleet Road on Saturday 28th July 2018
The Lions Clubs provided refreshments to all participants with the help of Tescos and the CO-OP
The day was organised so that the participants, no matter the type or severity of their disability, can participate in a variety of sporting activities, games and pastimes in the knowledge that their achievements will be recognised with medals, applause and a team trophy. They can try many or just a few of the events. To participate as an individual or a team, all that was needed is a completed entry form because the event is by invitation only. The invitation includes parents, relatives, carers and helpers. All events are supervised.
Sporting events included archery, boccia, bowls, discus, javelin, new age kurling, shot put, and basketball (sitting or standing).
In addition there is a wheelchair slalom and a fencing demonstration with a reaction test.
The games included bags in buckets, bomber darts,shove ha’penny, sticky balls and various similar activities.
The art project was available and again was popular.
Music interludes occured during the day and this is followed by entertainment provide by
The Music Man Project led by David Stanley.
The afternoon session included music, entertainment, a raffle and medal presentation. All participants received at least one medal. There was a trophy for the winning team.
Lions Clubs’ have been supported by Active Essex and their ‘All Together ambassadors’ as part of their object “Changing 1 Million Lives to get Essex Active”.
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Click Here to see pictures from previous Events