A very big Thank You to Leigh Town Council Events for organising the Community Day in Bonchurch Park today, & especially to all the people that came along. Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. You kept us racing them-there piggies to the very end! Thank you for all your donations, & we hope you had a great time, too! (If you missed us, we’ll be bringing the little oinkers to Leigh Folk Festival, Saturday 29th in Library Gardens & Sunday 30th in the old town)
Author: LeighDave
The Lions Go Racing
The Lions Club of Leigh on Sea, Invite you to a “Human” Race night. The night is a fun evening where humans are used as horses to race down a track to win. There is a Tote to place “bets” on the horses to add to the excitement. The evening is suitable for all ages and children are definitely most welcome.
The evening is to be held at the Estuary Club, on 15th June at 8.00 pm. There is a bar available, but you may bring your own “nibbles” and horse snacks!
Tickets are just £2 and are available from The Lions Charity Shop, 1492 London Road, Leigh On Sea, Or Via Priority Management, 60 The Ridgeway, Westcliff on Sea Tel: 01702 715111 Email: info@leighlions.co.uk
Leigh Lions provide Havens Hospice with key equipment
Havens Hospice have been given two new syringe drivers by the Lions Club of Leigh-on-Sea, enabling them to offer more patients a wider choice of treatment.
Tim Watts, Leigh Lions’ Community Chairman said,
“After a talk given by Vanessa Longley of Havens Hospice about their work and plans for the New Fair Havens development, the Club were keen to support them by providing medical equipment that could be used now and in the future. Havens suggested a syringe driver, and we were delighted to be able to provide two.”
A syringe driver delivers a steady flow of injected medication continuously under the skin, and is a very reliable way to control symptoms. Using one can be an alternative to having regular, repeated injections, which can restrict what a person can do and where they can go.
Leigh Lions fighting litter on the beaches
On a hot, sunny Sunday, The Lions Club of Leigh-on-Sea undertook a litter pick of Chalkwell and Leigh beaches to celebrate Earth Day 2018.
Tim Watts, the Club’s Community Chairman, said,
“Pleasingly, we collected relatively few plastic bottles and cups, so perhaps the message there is getting through to everyone, but unfortunately we still found many bags of dog mess lying around, despite there being bins provided for disposal. Amongst some of the other treasures recovered was a 4 foot ripped paddling pool left on Leigh beach.”
Southend Lions also had a busy morning clearing the beaches near the pier.
Leigh lions at Leigh lights
Together with Eastwood Lions, we had a fun time at #leighlights. Here are a couple of pics of the team posing with Father Christmas ? ? ? ?
Autumn Grand Charity Quiz 2017 – photos
Here are a few pics taken on the night (10th Nov)
Our prize winners were
£1000 Team Norwegian Blue for The Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society £500 Team The Ancient Geeks for Leigh Folk Festival
Our Judges Award of £100 went to The Art Ministry and the raffle money raised (a little over £280) went to The Multiple Sclerosis Society
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Children in Need Collection
We were out bright and early (well… early) at Chalkwell and Leigh stations this morning…a big THANK YOU to all the commuters who gave so generously. You donated £686.27 for BBC Children in Need. Well done!
Local charity shop hits £200,000 landmark
The Lions Club of Leigh-on-Sea is celebrating another fund-raising landmark this month: the Club’s charity shop has now taken a total of £200,000 since opening in January 2012. The shop, at 1492 Leigh Road, is run primarily by the Lions Club of Leigh-on-Sea with help from volunteers and the neighbouring Lions Clubs of Eastwood and Castle Point. Tony Prior, Leigh Club President, said “We’d like to thank all our customers and everyone who has donated goods for us to sell. Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to serve nearly so many. “Everyone working in the shop is unpaid, and this maximises the amount that can be dedicated to helping those in need, through purchasing equipment or direct donation”. Good causes to benefit from the shop’s success this year include:
- Wesley Methodist Fusion Kids Club £ 250.00
- West Leigh Baptist Church Food Bank £ 250.00
- Trust Links £ 334.00
- North Street School £ 400.00
- Southend Blind Welfare Association £ 400.00
- Teddy Hewitt (equipment) £ 420.99
- Headway £ 500.00
- Kyle Worland Appeal £ 500.00
- South East Essex Design Competition £ 700.00
- Older Peoples Assembly £ 800.00
- Southend Carers Forum £ 800.00
- Joe Brazier Wheelchair repairs £ 840.00
- Essex Air Ambulance £ 1,000.00
- Hearing dogs for the Deaf £ 1,000.00
- Leigh on Sea First Responders £ 1,000.00
- Music Man / Southend Mencap £ 1,000.00
- Southend Young Carers £ 1,082.86
- Multiple Sclerosis £ 1,100.00
- Leigh Road Baptist Church £ 1,125.00
- Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society £ 1,500.00
- Cedar Hall School £ 5,000.00
Lions Club of Leigh on Sea Sponsor Southend Blind Welfare Bowlers
Southend Blind Welfare Organisation are bowled over by their winning teams
Southend Blind Welfare Organisation is delighted to announce that two teams from their bowling club – the Kursaal Flyers – have made it through to the National Blind Tenpin Bowling Finals in Wigan on 12th May.
The club meet every Thursday afternoon to compete and practice for the league at the Kursaal Bowling Alley in Southend. The 12 strong team has been running since 2009 and boasts 3 original members, one of whom is their captain, Anne Morris.
“I started bowling as I enjoyed the challenge. People don’t expect partially sighted people to be able to do it. I get a real buzz from a good game and a sense of satisfaction. We are all so excited that we have made it to the finals this year, especially as we had a nail-biting wait to hear from the organisers once all the league results had been announced.”
“We are a friendly bunch of all ages, from our late 30s to 80 and we even have a wheelchair player. It’s good to mix with other people who are also experiencing sight loss. This is the positive side of having a visual impairment.”
This is not the first time that the SBWO team has reached the finals – the Kursaal Flyers came 3rd and 5th in 2013 and the first team have lifted the trophy once before in 2014. They will be up against 10 other teams all competing for the kudos of becoming National Champions.
Having agreed to sponsor the t-shirts for the finalists, Debs Jones, President of Leigh on Sea Lions Club, commented, “As a local community group we have often supported the work of Southend Bind Welfare Organisation and are especially pleased that we have been able to help their bowling team. Leigh on Sea Lions Club wishes them every success at the finals next month.”
The bowling club are helped at their practice sessions by SBWO volunteers who guide the players up to the line and advise them on the pins left to be knocked down. Each partially sighted bowler has a handicap and plays to their own ability. Despite their success, the team is still in need of a qualified coach since one of the founding members, Bob Wren, moved away last year.
SBWO wishes both teams success in the upcoming finals. Lucy Martin, SBWO Chief Executive says, “We are very proud of our bowlers and their amazing achievement. They are a talented and determined group of people and I’m sure they will bring home a trophy or two!”
The Westcliff-based charity was set up in 1958 and over the years has grown and developed an Equipment and Information Centre, social activities and clubs, a help desk at Southend Hospital Eye Clinic, trips out, reading groups, IT courses, a loan scheme and telephone/drop in advice.
Southend Blind Welfare Organisation is the only charity in Southend that offers help for people who are blind or partially sighted.
For more information on joining the bowling team or making a donation to SBWO, please call 01702 342131.
Design Competition Sponsorship
South-East Essex Design Competition was formed from unpaid volunteers forming a charity which has run for over 35 years for the benefit of local schoolchildren to encourage innovation and creativity in the creative Arts and Design and Technology throughout the curriculum in schools from reception to post 16. Their website is www.southeastessexdesigncompetition.org.uk
An invitation is sent to all schools with a request for an idea of entry numbers by beginning of February to allow time to organise the appropriate number of judges. All the entries can be any technology/creative arts projects and should show development from the initial ideas to the finished products. Primary schools usually enter whole school/year/class/club entries. Secondary schools are encouraged to enter individual/club/group entries and need to bring their notebooks when judged. Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates are awarded and a small monetary prize.
Leigh on Sea Lions Club were happy to sponsor the competition this year to carry on a wonderful tradition.